
Why You Should Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident

Car accidents are a common occurrence. Despite all the progress in car safety technology, such as forward collision systems and backup cameras, they still happen frequently.

Statistics have shown that every day hundreds of vehicle collisions take place due to a variety of reasons. Distracted driving is still the most common cause of car accidents in the United States and has resulted in more crashes than even drunk driving. But it’s not the only reason a driver might take his or her hands off the wheel, as speeding and driving while tired are also factors that are often present.

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Events where no one is at fault also occur, such as when tires lose their grip on a wet road after a storm, or when visibility is poor on an unsafe road.

Regardless of who’s at fault, a car accident is a nerve-wracking event that will shock everyone involved. That’s why it’s incredibly important to make the correct decisions afterward, as this stressful situation could pile on even more troubles and headaches, especially when it comes to the legal consequences.

What to Do After a Car Accident

A car accident occurs in the blink of an eye. It will probably take a while to fully comprehend exactly what happened and who’s at fault. Your main concern should be to check for injuries in everyone involved, starting with yourself.

You should call your local emergency number if you’re injured, especially if you feel light-headed or unable to move. Even if the collision was minor, you should probably call the police anyway. This will provide you with an official report you can give to your insurance company.

If you don’t receive a copy and the collision happens in FL, you can easily access the Florida traffic crash report online. All you need is your car’s VIN and the collision’s date and location.

Why an Attorney Is Going to Be Your Best Friend

After the dust has settled, you should get an evaluation from a qualified car accident lawyer. Dealing with a car accident by yourself is a bad idea, especially if you’re not aware of all the intricacies the legal system can throw at you.

Besides, no one wants to deal with injury recovery and figure out legal procedures at the same time. Hiring an attorney will allow you to focus entirely on your recovery, as he or she will take care of filing a lawsuit against the at-fault driver.

The attorney will also deal with your insurance company. When you’re looking for compensation, a lot of time will be spent negotiating your settlement, and that’s the last thing you want to find yourself doing after a traumatic event.

An accident lawyer will also gather all the evidence necessary and consider all the damages. He or she will be extremely knowledgeable about future medical bills you’ll be forced to pay and will do everything that’s possible to get you adequate compensation.

It should be obvious by now, but you should never try to represent yourself or deal with your insurance company without help. When doing so, you might think you’re saving money, but in reality, you’re losing a lot more in the long run.

Your insurance will offer you a minimal amount of money when it comes to your settlement, and you won’t even be aware of it because no one will be there to tell you. You’ll probably want to get this entire situation out of the way so you can focus on your job, your responsibilities, your family, and so on. But after a car accident, you deserve much more. If you let your lawyer focus on your case, you’ll receive the compensation you need. So remember, hiring a lawyer after an accident is always the best idea.