So, when you want to give your skin some TLC, but can’t bring yourself to leave the vicinity of your kitchen, try these mask recipes that come courtesy of three food- and skincare experts. A face mask can really make you feel like you have your whole life together, or at least allows you to pretend for those precious 15-20 minutes. No seriously, they can solve all your problems, right? You missed a work deadline? Do a face mask. Your rent is due soon? Do a face mask. Your boyfriend just broke up with you? Do a face mask! You get the point.
1. Banana Face Mask
2. Aspirin and Lemon Juice Face Mask
3. Egg Face Mask
4. Matcha Face Mask
5. Lemon Face Mask
6. Turmeric Face Mask
7. Vinegar Face Mask
8. Papaya Face Mask
9. Oatmeal Face Mask
10. Coconut Oil Face Mask
11. Mustard Face Mask
12. Cocoa-Avocado Face Mask
13. Yogurt Face Mask
14. Cucumber Face Mask
15. Mayonnaise Face Mask