Colorful lights, if done right, can look cool and futuristic. What’s nice about LED strips, is that they’re thin and flexible, so you can put them places traditional bulbs can’t go, like under cabinets and in drawers. This means they’re also functional — they can shed a little light on what’s going on in the back of the fridge or under the bed. LEDs are available in every color in the visual spectrum, from ultra violets and deep blues to warm reds and luscious greens. LED control gear can be fitted so that colors change or pulse. LEDs tend to have a much longer lifespan than regular fittings, making them the ideal choice for difficult to reach places. They often need less electricity to run, so any up front costs are likely to be clawed back over their lifespan. Interior designers use them extensively in high class bars and hotels and their use in homes is now quite common place. Today we have gathered 17 stunning ideas with LED lightening. Take a look!