
Train Your Brain Into Adopting The Saving Culture

If you want to secure your future, you need to learn how to save your money. Though saving culture starts with your mindset. How do you handle your finances says a lot about your character and future as well?

The mind is an organ of the body, which is dynamic. Whatever you feed it, that’s what it processes and stores. For example, if you are used to spending your income until the last coin, nothing will change even if you’re given a million.

Therefore, you require to train your mind on the importance of saving. Not all your salary or income should go to monthly bills. Here are a few tips on how to train your mind to save.

How to train your mind to save?

In the Philippines, very few people understand the importance of saving. Most of the time, you will find a Filipino spending all their cash without thinking about the future. If there is something we have learnt from 2019, one needs to learn how save for a rainy day.

No one knows what the future holds; therefore you need to keep your expenses in check. But all this starts with the mind, and here is how to train it to save.

1. Having a Zero-Sum Budget

The technique requires you to send what is needed, and the rest of the cash goes back to your savings account. The rule is fairly simple, take a pen and paper, or a notepad on your phone write down a budget.  This should be done a few days before the start of a new month.

Create a list of your income and expenses for the next month. Note the expenses drafted should be only for essential things; this refers to food and utility bills. Then sum up the costs and subtract from your monthly earnings.

What’s left is the surplus cash which can still be used to cater for non-essentials. This could be a night out in a fancy restaurant or purchasing clothes, family birthdays, among others. Once you have removed these expenses from the surplus cash, what remains should be sent to your fixed or savings account.  This should be done after you have received your income to avoid overspending.

2. Setting Financial goals

Having financial goals is another step towards changing your mindset about saving. The goal could be to purchase a parcel of land, car or a dream house. Once you have your eyes on the price, write it down on a piece of paper. Make sure the details include the period which the project is expected to take.

Also, not forgetting the amount allocated for the project. Then stick the paper on your credit or debit card. This works since every time you want to swipe your card to purchase an item. You are reminded and think twice. This, in turn, helps you to adopt the saving culture.

3. Find creative ways to save

Old habits die hard; we can’t expect you to start saving huge amounts of cash at once. It’s a step by step process which needs time and patience. Sometimes, you’ll find yourself messing up along the way, but there is no need to worry. The trick is finding a creative way to save your cash while spending at the same time.

You always need to reward yourself after a hard day’s job. You could take a trip or buy something for yourself. This is a good move since it motivates you into working extra hard and smart. However, while doing so, set aside a bit of cash and channel it to your fixed account.

Let’s say if the trip or item costs around PHP 15,000, deposit the same amount into your account. Thus, you’ll be enjoying while saving up for the future. Once your brain gets used to this, you’ll be doing it effortlessly.

4. Visualize the item’s value

Visualizing is another way of moving towards financial freedom. Instead of spending cash on products, visualize the amount it costs first. That means breaking down the entire expenditure to the last coin, including the number of hours needed.

For example, if you’re looking to purchase a new phone or laptop, find how much it costs? The next step is calculating your monthly income and finding out how much you are paid per hour. This could easily translate to the amount you are paid daily.

Hence, you’ll know the number of hours you need to work to afford the new phone or laptop. This, in turn, helps you to budget and purchase the item once the amount is achieved.

5. Carb impulsive buying

To crab your impulsive buying you can use the 30-day rule. The rule suggests before purchasing an item; you wait for 30 days. During this time, you can reflect on whether you need the product or not.

Nonetheless, there are steps to be followed when applying the 30-day rule. The first step would be creating a “wish list”. The list contains all the things you desire, whatever you feel is desirable, add to your list. Remember that the list should contain the amount and the date you wish to purchase the items.

Once the list is complete, begin to go through it every time to find out which has hit the 30-day rule mark. If you can afford the item at that time, go for it and then scratch it of the list. This should be done for all the products which have met their due dates.

But if you can’t afford the item and still need it, add to your wish list again. Then begin the whole process again until you have accomplished all the things. The best thing about the 30- day rule, you get a chance to budget and avoid impulsive buying, which could send you into a debt cycle.


Once you have been employed, you need to think about the future and your retirement. The only way to ensure you have a comfortable life is by saving. No matter how much money you are earning, you can still set aside some cash for your saving account.

Though we understand things might take time to pick, you can look here for a Robocash loan. The online lender offers affordable loans at a pocket-friendly interest rate. However, request a loan amount you can afford.