
The trick that makes your perfume last all day


It’s been said that it would be great if perfume could last for an entire day without us having to overdose on it. Here are some tricks to make your scent last longer. We all have the same problem when we first apply our favorite perfume: It immediately disappears after lunchtime. There is a way to prolong its life by adding a little bit of something to it.

The trick that makes the perfume last longer


Our brains tend to deprioritize certain information when it comes to scent recognition. This is one of the reasons why people tend to experience a quick disappearance of their perfume.

According to Ulf Ellervik, a bioorganic chemistry professor at LTH, the brain doesn’t use excessive amounts of information, but it quickly disconnects the sensory experiences that remain the same.

There’s a difference between individuals when it comes to how long a scent lingers on their skin. Since its molecules bind to fat, it can stick longer in people with oily skin.

To keep the scent of your favorite perfume fresh all day, apply an oily cream to the skin first. Be careful though, as some skin care products may contain a fragrance that competes with the scent of your favorite perfume.