Few things can beat the refreshing taste, fullness, and convenience of a smoothie. Often made up of some combination of fruits, vegetables and dairy, it is a delicious and healthy beverage that can be quickly whipped up and poured into a to-go container, it has become a popular option as a main meal or snack for many people. This trend may prove beneficial when you consider that just 1 in 10 adults consumes the daily recommended amount of fruits or vegetables.

Smoothie: Your Secret Weapon to Good Health & Fresh Start of the Day - Smoothies, protein, meal, green, Fruit, food, Drinks

But some questions do linger in terms of how healthy a choice it really is and what ingredients to include. Let’s cover the basic concerns so you can better decide if this should become a part of your nutritionally balanced diet.

What Happens to Your System When You Drink Smoothies Every Day?

Given the many nutrients that can be ingested when you have a smoothie, it comes as no surprise that for many that are health-oriented, it is a daily must-have. But is it something you should make a daily part of your diet? This largely comes down to what ingredients you put into the blender.

You need to consider the nutritional profile of the ingredients you add and their portion size. Sugar is an important factor to keep an eye on as it can badly affect weight gain and blood sugar levels. You can often mitigate this by limiting how much sugar-loaded fruit you use and avoid sweeteners. You also need to consider the calorie content and nutritional profile of your smoothies as compared to whatever else you will be drinking and eating in a day. You do not want to overeat nor starve yourself.

Smoothies May Help Boost Fruit and Vegetable Intake

This is a big benefit where not enough people are getting their recommended five total servings of fruits and vegetables every day. WHO attributed 3.9 million deaths in 2017 to inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables. The lack of nutrients from these food sources can damage health and increase the risk of non-communicable diseases such as:

  • Scurvy
  • Night blindness
  • Cardiovascular conditions
  • Cancers
  • Metabolic disorders

When considering are smoothies healthy, you simply need to look at the list of ingredients. The specific vitamins and minerals that each ingredient contributes are absorbed in the body when a smoothie is drunk and helps promote better health.

What Are the Main Types of Smoothies?

Smoothies can greatly vary depending on the variety and quantity of the ingredients. The texture and thickness of the smoothie will also be affected by this. Generally, there are three basic types of smoothies.

  1. Fruit Smoothies – These are predominantly made up of a blended mix of fruits, fruit juices, water, milk, yoghurt or ice cream.
  2. Green Smoothies – Are made using green leafy vegetables, fruits, fruit juices, water, or milk. They tend to have a greater portion of vegetables, hence their green colour. Fruit is often added to help add some sweetness.
  3. Protein Smoothie – These smoothies are made using a mix of fruit or vegetable, food protein like yoghurt, cottage cheese or tofu, protein powder, and a liquid like water or milk.

Can A Smoothie Replace a Meal?

Many people find smoothies to be a refreshing start to the day and will often substitute them for breakfast. Those that are busy later on will also sometimes opt for a quick smoothie rather than sit down for a meal. However, what constitutes a meal is much heavier than what you get by blending just fruit and water. It is possible to replace a meal with a smoothie, but you would have to include a combination of ingredients that make it comparable to a full meal’s intake in terms of calories and nutritional value.

Is It a Good Idea to Drink Smoothies in The Morning?

Many people lack a strong appetite in the morning and time to prepare a full breakfast. Yet we are often told breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Smoothies can be a good option if you include the right blend of ingredients. Try to add a healthy mix of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and protein to create a nutritional powerhouse that will give you a great start to the day.


As long as you consider the nutritional and calorific value of the ingredients you put in your smoothie, it can be healthy to make it a daily part of your diet. Remember to pay attention to the sugar content as it is easy to overdo this consumption if you have a sweet tooth. Smoothies are a great way to get in your daily recommended intake of fruit and vegetable and are best enjoyed from organic and whole ingredients.