Home Decor

Small Changes to Your Home That Make a Major Impact on Its Design

House renovations range from small things to large ones, from a simple repainting of your walls to an overhaul of your home’s layout. Adding spice to your home’s design doesn’t always have to mean that you need a major makeover. Sometimes the best changes are seen in the little things, especially in dealing with the almost unnoticeable aspects of a home.

Small Changes to Your Home That Make a Major Impact on Its Design - Space, lighting, house extensions, home improvements, home decor, design, cluttered spaceSmall Changes to Your Home That Make a Major Impact on Its Design - Space, lighting, house extensions, home improvements, home decor, design, cluttered space

If you know the right places to work on, then you’ll be sure to make the most out of improving your home’s look without changing too much of its general makeup.

Improving your lighting

If you don’t have that many exterior features, it might be a smart way to make your house more vibrant by adding light fixtures. Having LED strips creatively placed as outlines or as backlights to your outdoors can make for an impressive night view. Not only will it make your home marketable for night parties, but it can also double as your safety net as LED lamps with infrared sensors can be attached with alarms to go off when the sensors are tripped.

Doing the same in your interior can benefit you by having a spacious home as it allows you to make use of your free space to maximise the effect of different sources of lighting inside the home, from a ceiling fan to a bedside lamp to even a floor light. Adding just a few light fixtures here and there can make your home visually dynamic.

Freeing up space

The biggest enemy of a creative mind is cluttered space. You might think at first that you have to find a place for everything, but when push comes to shove, less is always more. Being able to free up floor space allows you to have more guests at home. Instead of having cabinets and drawers, you can make use of your wall space as an alternative place to keep your books, tools, shoes, and even your kitchen supplies. Making the most out of your walls can give you a lot of room to experiment in changing the layout of your home.

Cost-efficient extensions

House extensions are generally seen as expensive and costly, but having a way to add more shape and texture to your house could do great for your home in increasing its appeal to your guests. A patio or a small garage are great ways to increase floor space without committing to an extra floor in the house.

If you think you’re going to spend a lot to set-up a house extension, you can look towards using structurally insulated panels or SIPs instead of the traditional lumber-based attachments.

There are some suppliers of SIP in the UK to choose from, but the best thing about them isn’t only about their availability but their precision and cost-efficiency. SIPs include insulated padding which makes it a great way to have better ventilation and proper warming in colder seasons.