
How to Vacation While Pregnant: A Simple Guide

With the improvements in medical and travel technology, many couples are opting to spend their babymoon in exotic locations. A babymoon is the last vacation the couple spends together before the baby is born. While the idea is enticing, travel while pregnant is a concern for many expecting mothers.

In this article, you’ll discover tips to help you enjoy your vacation while pregnant.

Get the ‘Okay’ from Your OBGYN

A relaxing pregnant vacation can soothe the anxieties of parenthood and giving birth. Before you jet set, always confirm with your OBGYN that it’s safe for you to travel. As a general rule, traveling far from home after 36 weeks is not recommended due to the possibility of early labor.

Keep a copy of your medical and prenatal records just in case. Your OBGYN may also be able to refer you to an OBGYN at your travel destination.

Check for Travel Restrictions

Airlines and cruise lines usually have restrictions for pregnant travel. Because policies vary by country and business, check with them before booking. Some airlines require a pregnant woman to have medical clearance from their OGBYN at 36 weeks or beyond.

Sailing while pregnant is usually not permitted past 24 weeks and a doctors note is required.

Consider Travel Insurance and Emergency Medical Care

Travel insurance is a good idea in case you need to cancel your vacation. Many travel-lines will give you a credit to reschedule your trip if anything comes up. Most medical insurance will cover you wherever you travel but check with your provider to be sure. Emergency medical evacuation insurance can help you get home in a hurry if complications arise.

When traveling abroad, always contact the US Embassy or Consulate so they are aware of your presence in the country. They can also provide you with the names of local medical care. The International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers is an organization that helps travelers find medical care in foreign countries.

Stay Safe While Traveling

Whether traveling by car, plane, train, or ship make sure you can get up and walk around. This keeps your blood flowing and your limbs loose. Whenever possible, travel for shorter distances at a time to get to your destination. Wear loose-fit clothing and stay hydrated throughout your trip.

Follow through with all safety protocols of your chosen mode of travel. If you feel you might be sick, ask your OBGYN for the name of pregnancy approved medications. This is especially important if you’re prone to motion sickness and plan to cruise while pregnant.

Choose a Comfortable Destination

Avoid traveling to remote locations without proper medical care. Check with the CDC for travel information on local diseases and necessary vaccinations.

Choose a location that will be comfortable for mother and child. Hot climates can be great but create added discomfort when carrying a big pregnant belly. Make sure there is access to shade and air conditioning and plenty of water.

Cruising while pregnant can be a great way to relax for your upcoming mommyhood. Set sail across the ocean on a transatlantic cruise for a beautiful babymoon with your loved ones before birth.

How to Have a Great Vacation While Pregnant

Taking a vacation while pregnant is a great way to get away and relax or squeeze in some much-needed fun. While it requires more preparation, it can be just as enjoyable as any other vacation. Contact the travel-line, your OBYN, and research the country you to which you plan to travel to have a fun and safe vacation.

Check out our blog to learn more ways to stay happy and healthy during pregnancy.