
How to Curate a Successful Fitness Blog

We’ve all seen the fitness blogs already out there, whether on a website or social media. They might have several things in common – consistent content that includes inspirational words, diet tips, before and after photos, and a whole lot of videos showing progress along the way.

How can you and your fitness blog be set apart from all the others? Better yet, how do you make sure that the blog isn’t only functional, but also successful? There are a few ways you can accomplish this, so listen up!

If you’ve just started your fitness blog, or if you’re a seasoned professional, you’ll still need to think strategically about how to make your blog successful and keep the momentum going. It’s easy to lose followers and not so easy to keep them. Make sure that you attempt to stand apart from the rest. You need to have great people and marketing skills to accomplish this.

If you’re looking to beef up your blog’s content while you bulk up and sustain it, too, then follow these steps to successfully curating a fitness blog. You’ll have a following in no time.

How to Curate a Successful Fitness Blog - fitness blog, blogHow to Curate a Successful Fitness Blog - fitness blog, blog

The theme of your blog

Themes aren’t just literary tools. They’re also not just for the layout purposes of your blog or website. Your blog needs to have an overarching theme that draws readers in, is relatable, and keeps people reading. Don’t worry. There’s a lot of room for creativity when it comes to choosing.

You can also have a broad theme as the more specific you get, the less likely people will be able to relate (though niche themes can put you in your own category of fitness blogging, which may be super lucrative!). Do you know what your theme would be, or are you struggling to identify?

Some popular themes include fitness blog with an activewear bent (there, you can sling a compression shirt or two), inspirational, community-oriented, humorous (niche!), familial, challenging, body-building, unique ways to work out, etcetera.

If you’re struggling to find your theme, try writing up a couple of blogs and see what main topics keep coming up. Find the fluid thread that makes you you!

Be true to yourself.

You’re going to want to make sure that whatever these aspects are come through in your blog. What really draws readers (and sponsorships!) in is authenticity. While social media and blogging can show the best of your world (the best of your body and your life), transparency can go a long way.

Don’t just show off your successes on your blog. Your failures and missteps are just as essential to address with yourself and your followers. After all, a fitness journey can be all about the ups and downs. You don’t want to hide the downs. Otherwise, you can come off as unrealistic and inauthentic – two things devoted followers aren’t looking for.

Some ways in which you can remain authentic is to show the real parts of your fitness routines – the times when you don’t meet your goals, when you’re struggling, and when you don’t look or feel your best. Not only does this allow you the space for honesty, but it also creates a community of support and empathy. This won’t only help you to gain followers, but more importantly, it will also help you to stay true to yourself and your fitness journey.

You’ve got to be consistent.

Consistency is key. If you don’t update regularly, have a central theme going, and update content, you’ll start losing followers at a rapid rate. This is something you want to avoid at all costs. Remember that this blog could be a great thing for you professionally. You’ll want to treat it like your business.

If you find yourself needing help with keeping things consistently updated, then consider getting a mentor, friend, assistant, or business partner to help you. A blog can be hard to run alone when it comes to marketing, content creation, and analytics, especially as it becomes a more popular platform. To stay on top of it, you might need some help.

Not only should you be consistent with blogging, but your content should also be ever-evolving. If you can, make your content interactive. Give your followers an array of content to keep them engaged. If you can, do so in a way that sets you apart from the rest.

Be active!

Obviously, you’re going to be active in your physicality as a fitness blogger, but you should also be active online and with other bloggers. It’s crucial for community-building to interact with other bloggers you admire, and may even want to collaborate with eventually. (You might even want to ask them to write a guest blog to tap into their following as well!) This opens up the possibility of gaining more followers and amplifying your voice in the blogging community.

You’ll also want to be active with your followers. Engaging with them means they will be more apt to engage with you. Reply to comments or grievances (just don’t give in or start arguing with trolls!) and make sure your followers know that you care.

Follow a schedule.

Having a schedule should apply to all aspects of your blog. Planning your schedule a month in advance can help you to foresee your goals and accomplish them. Plan ahead when it comes to social media posts, blog posts, and the like. The better you plan for these things, the more likely it will be that you gain followers and retain them.

Keep a sense of sensitivity.

Bloggers, like influencers, rely on their presence and social media to reach as many people as they can. That’s how you can build your business, your blog, and create a safe community for those looking to get fit and needing advice. The safer your followers feel with you, the closer you can get. Your blog shouldn’t only be lucrative, but more importantly, it should also be a touchstone for anyone looking for your specific guidance.