
How School Students Can Find a Career Path

Choosing a career path can be one of the most daunting things a young adult has to contemplate. Some people are lucky and know exactly what they want to do from a young age – we envy these people! Not everyone has this luxury however, and for most of us, choosing a career path can be confusing and stressful. This is undoubtedly an important decision that could affect your life for many years to come.

In the same instance, no career path is set in stone – just because you have chosen a particular career path, this doesn’t mean you are bound to it for an eternity! Jobs can change, as can your desires and dreams. During school and college, it is important to consider a career path, and explore what type of job you would like to land in your working years as that will help you narrow down what degree to pursue. It is easy to find lists of jobs certain degrees qualify you for online, for instance, you can find a list of criminal justice degree jobs here. To give you some other ideas, we have provided 4 simple steps that you can take. These steps will help students find a career path, and give them the experience they need to make an informed decision about their future.

Step 1 – Look at your own preferences, hobbies and interests

The first two steps are undoubtedly the most important for helping high school students choose a career. First and foremost, you must consider your own preferences, hobbies and interests. What do you enjoy doing? Are you interested in any particular industry or type of business? Do you enjoy sport? What are you good at?

Remember that we have to work for a great number of years therefore you must be happy in your chosen career path. There is literally no point in choosing a career path that you simply wouldn’t enjoy. For example, some people might chose a certain job simply because it is well paid – money should not be your primary motivation! Find out what you enjoy, and why type of job you think you would enjoy as a result.

Step 2 – Look at your own personality, education and traits

Once you have considered your own preferences, it is then important to look at you as a person. You have to be suitable for the career path you have chosen. People can learn skills and can adapt to roles, but some people are better suited to jobs than others. To that end, you must consider what career paths you would like to take and think if you have qualities and personality traits that suit those roles.

How School Students Can Find a Career Path - traits, teachers, students, school, personality, motivation, interests, hobbies, education, careerHow School Students Can Find a Career Path - traits, teachers, students, school, personality, motivation, interests, hobbies, education, career
For example, if you wanted to be a sales rep but didn’t have an outgoing and confident personality maybe that wouldn’t be the right path for you. Play to your strengths and look at what career would suit you as a person! Alternatively, if you don’t enjoy writing, you may not want to take a career path that involves a great deal of studying and coursework (You could always look at my assignment help however but that’s another story).

Step 3 – Seek careers advice from professionals and teachers

You may already have careers advice scheduled but if not you should get some help! Speaking to any adult about career paths and the choices they made can give you fantastic insight into your future. Remember that these adults have been in your situation and they understand what you are going through. Furthermore, they have started their working life and can give you important information about what you can expect.

Careers advice is invaluable at this stage of your life, and professionals can point you in the right direction. Don’t forget that you could also take a career test for high school students that could provide you with some insight into what job could be suitable for you. Additionally, they can also give you contacts and help you make enquiries about certain career paths you may be interested in.

Step 4 – Research!

Finally, you must simply research the career paths you are interested in. If you want to be a doctor, take the time to look at the different types of medicine you could specialize in for example. Arm yourself with knowledge and delve deep into these career paths so you are fully aware of what a job could entail. There are several cool websites too such as My Future and that offer careers advice. Search the web, read books, learn as much as you can about the careers that tickle your fancy.

Hopefully you will find this article illuminating and instructive – there are many career choices for high school students. The key to choosing a career path is to research carefully and know yourself. Furthermore, you must act quickly and avoid missing out on a potential career path due to your non-action. For example, if you choose a career path that requires a degree, ensure you have looked at different universities in plenty of time. Don’t forget that if you are considering a leadership career path, that leadership trends are continually evolving as seen in this article –

Finally, remember that you can always change your mind, and just because you make a choice now – it doesn’t meant that you can’t try your hand at an alternative career path further down the line!