
How do I make my makeup last all day?

We are happy to leave in the morning with make-up on fleek, and now the foundation moves, the eyeshadow does not hold or our lipstick slips into the fine lines around the mouth… We give you tips for making your makeup last all day (and all night if necessary!).

Preparing the skin is essential to hold makeup all day long


Did you think that the key to long-lasting makeup was having the right products and the right gestures? It’s important, it’s true, but there is a step that you don’t necessarily think about and which nevertheless makes all the difference: the preparation of the skin. It’s like in painting, for the make-up to hold, the base must be impeccable.

Experts thus underline the importance of exfoliation, of the skin as well as the lips, as well as of hydration. Even the best products won’t hold up on skin or mouth that isn’t smooth and healthy. We, therefore, get into the habit of regularly exfoliating the skin (adapting the frequency to the product chosen and the sensitivity of the epidermis) and we exfoliate the lips followed by an application of balm in a thick layer before bedtime.

No lip scrub on hand? Noémie Savreux indicates that a bottle brush passed over the lips covered with balm works very well. Of course, moisturize your skin morning and evening, with a treatment adapted to your skin type.

Bases and fixing spray: the jokers of long-lasting makeup


The product that makes all the difference in the hold of makeup is the foundation primer. On the complexion as on the eyelids, it will not only protect the skin but also allow the products you apply afterward to stick better and therefore to hold better for several hours. 

And on the lips? You can of course use a primer, but a lip balm will do just fine.

Investing in a setting powder, not to be confused with a finishing powder (both are useful but have different roles), and a setting spray are crucial to the process.