
Hot Wheels: How to Choose a Car to Match Your Budget and Style

Looking to get a new car, but a little restricted by a budget? Aren’t we all! Here’s how to choose a car that’s still stylish but also within your means…

Are you looking for a new car?

Buying a new ride is a significant investment that many people can’t afford to take lightly. Even if you go for one of the cheaper options, you should expect to shell out a least a couple thousand, and that’s just for the car itself.

Once you hit the road, you can expect to spend thousands more on everything from maintenance to insurance.

Which, is why you need to do your homework before making any final decisions to make sure you’re picking the perfect car for you.

Ready to start shopping for a new car but aren’t sure where to start? We’ve got you covered.

Here are a few tips on how to choose a car to help you find your next ride!

Start With Your Dream Car

Start your search for a new ride by picturing your dream car. It can be anything from a bright red vintage mustang to the latest iteration of the Batmobile.

Once you know what you would get if you could have any car in the world, you can use that to start figuring out what you don’t want. And, through the process of elimination, you can find the perfect car that’s more in line with your budget.

What’s Your Budget?

One of the most significant parts of finding a new car is working out how much you’re willing and able to spend on it.

If you’re not planning on paying out of pocket for your new ride, you’ll need to figure out how much you can spend per month on your car. You’ll also need to think about how long you’d be willing to pay that extra expense.

A good rule of thumb to follow when it comes to financing a car is the 20/4/10 rule.

This rule states that your down payment should be at least 20% of the vehicle’s total value.

The 20/4/10 rule also states that you shouldn’t pay more than 10% of your gross income on your car every month. And you shouldn’t spend more than four years paying off a car.

How Much Car Do You Need?

Now that you know what kind of ride you want, you can start thinking about how *much car you need. That’s to say you’ll need to make sure your new vehicle has enough room to take on your day-to-day load.

A good general rule of thumb to keep in mind is if you have more than two people, you should have more than two doors.

You also need to think about your intentions. If you only plan on using your new car for your commute to work, then you can get by with a little sedan.

But, if your regular activities include you having to haul large loads, you should look at larger SUVs or a pick-up truck.

Consider Extra Costs

Finally, you’ll need to think about any extra costs that may come with your new car.

While a cheaper used car may look great on paper, you could end up getting stuck with countless, expensive maintenance bills.

You’ll need to think about everything from what you plan to spend on insurance to whether you’ll take your new car to get professionally detailed.

How to Choose a Car

A car isn’t a small throwaway purchase. You’re going to have to live with the ride you choose for at least a few years before you can swap it out.

So, you’re going to want to do your homework before you decide on anything so you can make sure you’re making the right choice for you.

By following these helpful tips on how to choose a car, you’ll be able to find the perfect new ride to suit your life and budget.

Are you looking for more advice, tips, and tricks? We’ve got you covered.

Check out the rest of our blog for articles on everything from how to choose the right car insurance to how to maintain your new ride.