
Guide To Car Insurance Windshield Coverage

Windshield damages irrespective of being small or big can prove to be extremely hazardous. Natural calamities, vandalism, or an accident make windshield damages a common occurrence.

Even though windshield coverage is not a compulsion in Canada, several territories enforce a fine of upto $85 in case of a chipped or a heavily damaged windshield. In certain cases when the damage is profound, a police officer might even ask the motor vehicle to be taken off the road.

So, a windshield coverage might not seem to be a great deal to invest in but as a responsible citizen of Canada and an aware individual one must take this seriously. Also, if you’re looking for car insurance in Ontario, check out Surex for the best quotes and services.

Combining Windshield Insurance With Other Insurance

1.   Liability insurance:

This covers the damages that you might have caused to another individual’s property in the wake of an unforeseen circumstance such as an accident. The minimum insurance, in this case, is $200,000. However, in places like Nova Scotia and Quebec, the minimum coverages are $500,000 and $50,000 respectively.

However, if your own vehicle is damaged and you do not have insurance to cover the damages to your car, you can end up spending a fortune on costly repairs. In such cases, windshield coverage proves to be a relief. The cost of windshield repairs can be significantly higher than you think. Thus, if you do not want to spend heavily on insurance other than third-party liability insurance, you can consider getting windshield insurance.

2.Comprehensive insurance:

As a holistic damage control coverage, comprehensive insurance covers instances of theft, vandalism, and natural calamity as well. Basically, it covers everything other than collision. Comprehensive insurance is probably financially the most befitting option when it comes to handling extra automobile maintenance costs incurred due to windshield damage.

Thus, one would not have to buy windshield damage separately if you already have comprehensive insurance. However, windshield coverage is cheap. Thus, you can consider buying it instead of comprehensive insurance, if you do not want to invest heavily in an insurance policy. Also, since the windshield is more exposed to damages in unfortunate situations, owing to its large surface area, you can end up covering a large portion of the damage.

Other options include All Perils Coverage and Specified Perils coverage. The All Perils coverage is a blend of both collision and comprehensive coverage and a Specified Perils Coverage is its cheaper version covering damages caused due to lightning, fire, or theft.

Process of Claiming Windshield Coverage

First, you need to call up your insurer and give them a clear picture of the extent of the damage caused. A small crack or a minute impact on your windshield can be directly dealt with by the insurer. In some cases, they might give you the name of a vendor or a supplier who would replace your car’s windshield while the cost of it will be handled by them.

A completely shattered glass window will require full insurance and a glass claim will not be enough to cover it. In a circumstance like this, make sure to take advice from your own insurer as each insurance company has its set rules and regulations.

Specific Pointers For Windshield Coverage:

There are certain things you should be well-versed with before purchasing windshield coverage.

  • It is advisable to pay for smaller losses like a crack or a slight dent on your own. There is a possibility that the insurance rates might increase every time you make a claim under the windshield damage coverage policy.
  • In case your windshield is completely (or almost completely) damaged, it would be more beneficial to make a claim.
  • Sometimes, the insurance companies offer coverage at reduced rates. However, if you have a history of making frequent claims, the insurance company could raise your deductible.
  • The insurance company could put a ceiling on the number of claims you can make after you pick up a tendency of making frequent claims. They might also deny claims in extreme cases.
  • You can make a claim under comprehensive insurance that includes glass damage. In such cases, you wouldn’t need a separate windshield coverage policy.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Windshield Coverage

Here are some commonly asked questions about this policy:

1.Does Insurance Cover a Windshield Chip?

It certainly does! Generally, a windshield chip may cost between $50-$70. However, if your insurance claim consists of glass coverage, the repair could be free of cost. Also, the cost of repairing a windshield is on the rise, which makes having a glass claim in comprehensive insurance coverage a viable option.

2. How Can I Reduce My Premium Rates?

Make sure you visit and compare various insurance providers before purchasing a policy. Look for discounts and offers such as a good credit discount or a student discount. Purchasing different policies from the same insurer may also save you some bucks. Try combining several policies to get better rates. You would surely be able to save on the premium rates through one of these methods.

3.How Does an Insurance Company Pay You?

Generally, a client (i.e. you) submits a claim online or via phone which is processed by them. If all the details and proof are satisfactory, your claim will be approved by the insurer. The compensation money is then paid to you via cheque or direct transfer. The process is simple and easy to comprehend.


With the increasing usage of Driving Assistance Systems like ADAS or Advanced Driving Assistance Systems, repairing a windshield has become costly. The crude weather conditions of Canada coupled with strict traffic laws make insurance coverage a necessity.

Pro Tip: You can do a cost-benefit analysis by comparing the deductible and amount of premium with the actual cost of repairing a windshield, and you’d find that insurance is only going to benefit you in case of a mishap.