
Why Should I Get A Pest Control Management Service After Renovation?

Written by: Quintin Bentley Crevling

If you have invested thousands of dollars on a renovation, it may be a good idea to make sure your money doesn’t go to waste by giving pests easy access into your home. Many pests such as rodents and termites can cause extensive damage around your home. If you have just renovated a part of your home, it will be a good idea to get into contact with a professional who can seal points of entry into the home, install pest repellant devices, and kill all existing pests living in your home. Get more information by clicking here on these preventative strategies to ensure peace of mind for many years to come.

If you have just renovated a part of your home, it will be a good idea to get into contact with a professional who can seal points of entry into the home, install pest repellent devices, and kill all existing pests living in your home.

Why Should I Get A Pest Control Management Service After Renovation? -Why Should I Get A Pest Control Management Service After Renovation? -

The best way to avoid a pest problem is to block points of entry into your home. There may have been opportunities for pests to sneak in If your home has been under construction for a long period of time. It would be a good idea to place several traps around the house just to be safe. A mouse only needs a hole the size of a nickel to sneak into your home. This means that even the smallest holes need to be caulked or boarded up to ensure a mouse-free home. One of the most common ways rodents get into your house are through pipes and appliances that are connected to exterior sources. The best way to plug up these holes are to install aluminum flashing to prevent vermin from chewing their way through small holes.

Why Should I Get A Pest Control Management Service After Renovation? -Why Should I Get A Pest Control Management Service After Renovation? -

A renovation can be a great way to fix up your old home, but for many pests it can ruin their current living situation. Remodeling can disrupt a rodent’s life and they will need to build a new nest for themselves. A smart rat may decide that a renovation is a good time to explore other homes, but many will stay in the home and need to gnaw their new surroundings and tear apart your insulation to build a new nest. Having a pest control expert come into your home and spray pesticide will protect you from potential infestations.

Once you are sure your home is free of pests it would be a good idea to have pest repellant sprays and devices placed around the exterior of your home. Nearly all repellant sprays have mixed reviews and most people agree that they are ineffective unless the directions are followed precisely. An alternative repellant strategy is to install an electronic device that projects ultrasonic soundwaves to scare off nearly all pests. The soundwaves are not audible to the human ear, but the high frequency tone will act as an alarm that signals danger for the small creatures. These devices can be found at a relatively cheap price and do not harm any animals. No repellant device has a 100% success rate, so after you install your devices you should set up traps near the entry points that you recently blocked in case pests chew their way in.