
Effective Social Media Strategies To Allure Home Buyers

According to the National Association of Realtors, 50% of buyers claimed they found their homes through the internet (mostly social media), while 28 percent found them through their real estate agents.

This means that if you’re a realtor, broker, homeowner, or anyone involved in real estate, social media represents an excellent tool you can use to find and reach potential clients.

However, finding potential home buyers and getting them to patronize your properties is not as simple as posting a picture of the house you want to sell on Facebook and just folding your arms.

You need to put in a lot of work to reach and allure these buyers.

In this article, we will teach you how to go about that.

Note: I sincerely hope you know how to make your posts/ads appear in the faces of potential homebuyers on all social networks. If you don’t, I suggest you hone the skill because your chances of getting results from the strategies we’re about to teach you depend on your ability to make people see your posts and ads. Remember, you can only allure those who see your posts.

9 Effective social media strategies to allure home buyers

1. Post photos and videos that make potential buyers go ‘wow’

To instigate someone to inquire and then purchase a property from you online, you need to do more than just one cute photo or lengthy video showing the aesthetics of the home. What you really need is something that makes them go, “Wow, I wanna live in this home.”

Unfortunately, one photo showing the exterior view of a property can’t do that.

Look at this house’s photo:

Cute, right? No doubt. But this photo is obviously not enough to get someone dreaming of living in this house.

How about an Instagram carousel-style post/story detailing the exterior and interior views of this home, along with its several amazing features? That should captivate anyone, right?

A good illustrative example of what I’m saying would be a video showing the connection between the fireplace and the heating and cooling system in a property, and how all of that channels water to the garden, and how everything keeps the water in the swimming pool cool and steady.

Of course, your property may not be designed this way. But I’m sure it has something unique and alluring about it.

So, when posting photos and videos, show the uniqueness of the property. Let the photo and video uploads show buyers what they would be missing if they pass the chance to buy the house.

2. Promote the towns where your properties are

You can allure potential home buyers into buying your homes by promoting the towns where those properties are.

How, you wonder?

Some people don’t know the pride that’s there in living in some towns. Some don’t even know the benefits that certain regions can bring them. Oh, and there are those who blindly assume some areas are just out of their budgets and financial reach.

By publishing facts, figures, “Did You Knows,” and other amazing revelations about towns where your properties are on social media, you could make these places appealing to viewers.

A Simple Case Study: Imagine you’re just scrolling through your Facebook, and you found out that there’s a house for sale in a town where your favorite celebrity also resides; there’s a huge chance you’ll click on the property to find out if it’s something you can afford.

3. Make posts about the highpoints of the neighborhood

Some home buyers are not just looking for homes that suit them; they’re also concerned about the amenities they can find in their immediate locality, perhaps because they have special needs.

Luckily, this can play right into your hands as a home seller.

If your property is situated in an area that has some special highpoints, feel free to make mention of these special features in your social media posts.

Does your home neighborhood have banks close by, shopping centers or fitness centers, pet or baby daycare nearby, museums, parks, and gardens, relaxation and spa centers, etc.? If so, make sure you regularly make posts mentioning these things.

Remember, you never can tell which home buyer is looking.

Look at this simple example giving potential buyers a feel of what their potential community is like.

4. Make it a habit to pick your ‘home of the week’

Another great strategy to allure home buyers is highlighting a list of homes every week and then announcing a winner.

Depending on the frequency of your weekly home listings, you can feature a couple of properties every week, and then at the end of each week, you’ll pick a ‘home of the week.”

For this home, you’ll highlight its notable features and let your audience drool over it.

If you can, you might even do a walkthrough of the home to test its features and amenities and to show potential buyers what makes this home such a paradise to live in.

Who knows? Your ‘home of the week’ might just be the perfect match for a certain buyer.

5. Always include influencer marketing in all your campaigns

As you know, influencer marketing represents a strong marketing strategy on social media. In fact, according to Influencer Marketing Hub, for every $1 that brands spend on influencers, they are getting an ROI of $5.78.

Be it on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, or even Facebook; influencers can guarantee you great results. And if you’re looking to allure home buyers, these guys are really worth giving consideration.

Of course, you’ll need to take your time to research the best home buying influencers that are relevant to your demographics. But once you find them, you can bet that their shoutouts and mentions will be enough to make your homes alluring to potential buyers.

Another good reason to adopt influencer marketing for alluring home buyers is that you can easily track the success of any money spent.

By simply monitoring some top effective social media metrics generated for each of your influencer’s campaign, you can see how many leads/clients that are being sent your way

Hypothetical Case Study: Imagine you have a property for sale in Nevada, and you ask MARIA VALENTINO to make a mention of it in her IG posts. I can bet that in less than an hour after that post, lots of potential buyers will start reaching out.

Why? Because they trust the recommendations of MARIA VALENTINO – who’s a renowned influencer in Nevada, and also because it’s a thing of pride being the one who ends up living in a house recommended by the famous MARIA VALENTINO.

6. Share your home sales success stories

Imagine one of your connects on LinkedIn makes a post like this one below at a time when you’re thinking about buying a home; what do you think you’ll do next?

Most likely, you’ll check out that realtor she’s mentioned.

That’s the power of testimonials.

If you’ve had people purchase homes from you in the past, feel free to make posts about them and their experience in the property they purchased.

This may seem like bragging to some people, but it’s just a way for you to build trust and credibility in your industry.

If you can, convince past home buyers to make user-generated content documenting how much they’re pleased to have purchased their home from you, how the home surpassed their expectations, and every other good thing they have to say about you.

Alternatively, you can pay a visit to one of your past clients’ homes and then make a documentary video showing how happy the home occupants are and how they’re enjoying the unique features of the home.

In addition to helping you gain trust, content like this can inspire viewers to reach out to you on whether they, too, can get an exact lookalike of the property in the video or perhaps something closely related.

7. Show potential buyers how your property beats their current homes

One of the reasons why people often hesitate to make property purchases is because they don’t see an urgent reason why they need to move house.

To help change their minds, you need to show them how antiquated their current homes are.

How can you do that, you wonder?

All you have to do is create some social media posts that emphasize every major modern state-of-the-art features in the homes you’re trying to sell.

Chances are, the current residence of your target buyers won’t have these features. As such, buyers will be wooed into wanting to own something similar, which is how you’ll have cornered them into drooling over your property.

Features to brag about could be:

  • Heated Garage
  • Smart-Home Technology
  • Large Mudroom
  • Energy-efficient rooms and fixtures
  • Outdoor Living Area
  • Updated Kitchens And Baths
  • Open Floor Plans
  • Low-Maintenance Features
  • Wireless Connectivity
  • Easily-Accessible Laundry Rooms

8. Share actionable home buying tips for first-time homebuyers

First-time buyers have to decide on what they’re looking for in a home, get pre-approved for a mortgage and set a budget, find an agent, find a home they like enough to bid on, submit an offer, and negotiate.

To help make the process a lot less intimidating, you can share tips with them on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

For example, once a week in the form of an educational series, you can share informative articles that come packed with tips for the demographic you’re targeting.

Like this one:

If the articles and guides are truly helpful, it will help keep your audience engaged and allured by your works, which might, in turn, convert them into real buyers.

9. Never underestimate the power of good ol’ quotes

It may not seem like the strongest of tactics, but real estate motivational quotes are known to appeal to just about anyone.

When people come about quotes, one which they can relate with, there’s a way it resonates with them. If they’re in a financial position where they can afford to make a buy, a simple motivational quote may be all a buyer needs to push them over the line.

Don’t believe me?

Take a look at these quotes, and tell me if you wouldn’t consider owning a residential property if you have the money.

Of course, these examples are just ideas. You can write your own quotes, provided they make sense for your real estate brand.


On a final note, social media represents a goldmine for all connected with real estate. By incorporating the simple strategies we’ve highlighted in this post in your campaigns, it shouldn’t be too hard getting potential home buyers to look at your home listings and make purchases.

Never forget, people look for homes on social media. You just need to make them look at yours!