
Easy Tricks For Perfect Hands


Hands are part of our cover letter. We always want them neat, smooth, and shiny. Sometimes we can spend a lot of time deciding what color to paint them, or what will be the best way to cut your nails for a luxurious look. The hands reveal your age and attract glances as much as your eyes or your lips. You must dedicate time to them so that they always look good and always stay hydrated. It is vital to always bring them well cared for us and this reason, today we decided to bring you this article, telling you the best ways to take care of them at home and in a simple way.

The importance of proper hydration


Always have a moisturizer on hand to hydrate your hands after each wash. Remember that you should do it at least four times a day since this area is naturally very exposed. Coconut oil is the best moisturizer, as it is easily absorbed into the skin without leaving a greasy effect. It also has a unique combination of fatty acids that magically repairs your hands.

Sunscreen goes on the hands too

When you are out in the sun, your hands develop sun spots very quickly. As you get older, these spots get darker. To avoid this, use good sunscreen on your hands every time you go outside or expose yourself to sunlight.

Say no to the hot air hand dryer

These dryers make your skin dry faster, yes, but at the same time accelerate the drying processes. Therefore, you should never use them. Simply dry your hands with a tissue or towel, and remember to apply a moisturizer to them after each wash.

The humidifier, an ally


Humidifiers help your skin retain moisturizer, so it is recommended that you use a humidifier in your bedroom at night to protect your hands. We also recommend having them in the environments that you use the most, such as your study, or your living room.

Exfoliation, essential in the nutrition process

If you want to get rid of dry, dull skin, use a good scrub three times a week. You can also do it with a homemade scrub. Take a tablespoon of sugar in your hands. Add a few drops of olive oil and rub both sides of your hands with this natural scrub and you will see the changes you will get in a short time, as this removes dead skin cells that dull and dry out.

If you can avoid cutting the nails and go shaping them with the file


This way they will be less brittle. A protector will not hurt either to strengthen them and make them hard and smooth. It is also not advisable to cut the cuticles and they represent protection for the root of the nail: to remove them it is better to soften that skin and push it with an orange stick.