DIY & Crafts

Easy DIY Birthday Party Decoration Ideas

We’re making your lives just a little bit easier with our favorite DIY birthday decoration ideas. Whether you’re planning on throwing the event of the year, just want to impress a select group of friends and family, or are looking for even lower-key ideas for a two-person shindig, we’ve got you covered. These DIY party decor ideas are suitable for a wide range of get-together. Each party decoration will enhance the ambiance of your event without costing you a ton of money in the process. Give your party a creative and one-of-a-kind touch with these easy-to-create DIY decor ideas for your birthday.

1. Paper Pinwheels Birthday Decoration

Studio DIY

2. Rainbow Water Birthday Decoration


3. Embellished Party Hats

Handmade Charlotte

4. Balloon Backdrop Birthday Party Ideas

Grab some balloons

5. Confetti Glasses Birthday Decoration

The 36Th Avenue

6. Ice Cream Hanging


7. Ribbon Chandelier Decoration Ideas

Harts Desire

8. Donut Addition Birthday Decoration

Makes and Takes

9. Dipped Vases DIY Decoration


10. Cascading Pink DIY Ideas

 Rice Design Blog