After these long months spent in confinement, what better than to opt for a new color that exudes freedom?
Soft rose gold: What Is It?
Soft rose gold is the metallic version of the dew color. For this rather than camouflaging our hair behind a light or bright pink shade, we lightly incorporate thin layers of coloring to create a metallic look. Without a doubt, the best way to achieve the right color for us is to enlist the help of our hairdresser for a glamorous finish. However, for those who have an adventurous soul, many “rose gold” coloring kits exist to make yourself.
Soft rose gold: what if I’m a brunette?
Coloring may take longer and is more damaging than on a person with blonde hair, as you have to bleach your hair first and then color it. But after this long time spent at the hairdresser, you can take advantage of your new hair color to turn all heads as you go! So we try?