DIY & Crafts

Best DIY for Home Décor

Have you ever taken a good look around your home and thought ‘This place needs to be jazzed up’? If so, then this article is what you need to get started. A beautiful home is a well-decorated home. You may live in a large house and in a good community, but what comfort will it provide you if it’s bland and offers nothing to its visitors to see. We recommend you rejuvenate your home by decorating it; this will go miles in impressing both friends and family. If money is a factor that is holding you back from initiating the décor, then let us provide you with 4 best DIY home décor ideas that are cost-effective, yet easy to do.

1.Pillow Pocket

Are you someone who always forgets where they put the TV remote? Or someone who just doesn’t have the energy to get off the couch and fetch it? Well, there is a cost-effective and straightforward solution to this problem. All you need is an old pair of jeans! To get started, remove a back pocket from the jeans and stitch this onto one of the covers of a cushion you usually place on the sofa and presto – you have yourself a safe and nearby compartment in which you can house the remote control. Now you can easily use it and put it back as needed.

Best DIY for Home Décor - Pillow Pocket, home decor, Handwritten Canvas, Floating Bookshelves, diyBest DIY for Home Décor - Pillow Pocket, home decor, Handwritten Canvas, Floating Bookshelves, diy

2.Wine Cork Bath Mat

Who would have ever thought that you could make mats with wine corks? It’s not only a strange idea but a brilliant one too. Wine corks can be used in so many different ways than just being available to seal wine bottles. To begin fabricating your own cork mat, you would need about 200 corks and a plastic shelf liner. Start by cutting the cork vertically down. Next, take some hot glue and work your way by glueing the corks from the outside to the inside on the liner. Once done, take a cork sealant and apply that all over the body of the corks to act as a waterproof coat.

Best DIY for Home Décor - Pillow Pocket, home decor, Handwritten Canvas, Floating Bookshelves, diyBest DIY for Home Décor - Pillow Pocket, home decor, Handwritten Canvas, Floating Bookshelves, diy

3.Floating Bookshelves

If you’re a voracious reader and a bibliophile then this DIY is perfect for you. Although you can purchase floating bookshelves from the market, why not create your own personalized bookshelf? This will not only add a personal touch to it but a more creative and unique one too. Now, you can create this shelf by either using wood or steel platforms. Once you have decided how you wish to assemble these shelves then drill holes on the walls where you want to set them up. Keep in mind that these shelves can be used to place photo frames, candles and any other trinkets you may own.

4.Handwritten Canvas

Are you a lover of art? Do you have bare walls at home or just not enough artwork on them to keep them looking chic? Well, why not create your own personalized handwritten canvas? You can add your favorite quotes, expressions, words that define you or anything you like on your walls. Moreover, these handwritten canvases are so easy to make. There a couple of ways by which you can make these handwritten canvases, but the easiest way is to purchase a canvas and use vinyl paint to paint the backround and your preferred message.