
Best Baby Shower Gifts for New Mum

When your best friend shares the exciting news that she’s having a baby, there’s usually that inexpressible feeling of joy. Later, you’d be planning to attend the baby shower to welcome the new mum in town, and of course, you wouldn’t be going empty-handed.

Choosing the right gift usually poses a challenge to most of us, especially if you’re not sure about your friend’s preferences. However, the secret to getting something that your friend will be happy to have is to always remain relevant to the time. Like, getting a kindergarten school bag wouldn’t be appropriate at this time, given that it would take years before the baby gets to use it. Instead, get her something she’ll actually need and use. In most cases, getting baby boutique gifts becomes the biggest challenge. With a few tips and ideas here and there, you’re likely to make a bold choice that would make the whole experience memorable.

Here are some amazing options to choose from.

A pretty Diaper Bag

For a new mum, a waterproof backpack with extra pockets and an insulated lining is very important for her clinic trips. It makes it easier for her to carry all the necessary baby items wherever she goes, especially the clinic. To make it better, consider getting a light pink shade or a sky blue one depending on the baby’s sex.

Best Baby Shower Gifts for New Mum - shower, rocking chair, Nursing Basket, nursing, memory notebook, mama, babyBest Baby Shower Gifts for New Mum - shower, rocking chair, Nursing Basket, nursing, memory notebook, mama, baby

Nursing Basket

Whether the new mum is planning to breastfeed or do bottle feeding, she’ll need some essential things that should be easily reachable from her chair. Getting her a basket filled with all the things she’ll need like a few snacks and a water bottle would be ideal. She can always have this basket next to her and get whatever she needs with a lot of ease.

Best Baby Shower Gifts for New Mum - shower, rocking chair, Nursing Basket, nursing, memory notebook, mama, babyBest Baby Shower Gifts for New Mum - shower, rocking chair, Nursing Basket, nursing, memory notebook, mama, baby

Baby Sleeping Sign

If you’ve ever woken up a child accidentally and met with the angry mum, then you know how important it is to beware of a sleeping child. Getting the mum a baby sleeping sign would help to caution those visiting her not to wake her baby up. For an extra personalized touch, you could get a sign that matches the baby’s outfit.

A Baby Briefcase

This is very important to both the mum and the dad. They’ll use it to keep the baby’s essential documents organized, for easy access. Get one with a baby’s picture so that it’s specifically used by the newborn.

Personalized Baby’s Blanket

You can get the mum a super soft blanket with the baby’s name on it. Such a personalized blanket may just become the mum’s favorite. We all love that personalized touch in everything, and getting it for our baby is a great source of joy.

Rocking Chair

A sturdy rocking chair will ensure the mum is comfortable while nursing and curdling the baby. Its gentle back-and-forth motion will help soothe the baby to sleep. To a new mum, this is a perfect gift.

Memory Notebook

Sitting for many hours to nurse the little one may be boring at some point. To distract herself, the nursing mum may need a notebook to keep a track of the baby’s milestones. She could also stick some of her baby’s photos in this book for future memories. Therefore, getting a memory notebook for her will be of great help.

Shop confidently and make well-thought out decisions because your gift is your opportunity to put a smile in the face of the new mum and make the moment memorable.