6 Ways to Fashionably Style Your Outfits with Your Face Mask

Face masks have become a part of the “new norm” that we’re all adjusting to the post-coronavirus outbreak. Although they can be a bit uncomfortable and awkward at first, this new accessory is vital in our attempts to continue to slow the spread while keeping ourselves and others around us safe from becoming infected.

6 Ways to Fashionably Style Your Outfits with Your Face Mask - style, outfit, fashionable, fashion, face mask, Accessories6 Ways to Fashionably Style Your Outfits with Your Face Mask - style, outfit, fashionable, fashion, face mask, Accessories

The CDC is currently recommending that everyone wear a mask when they leave the house as a precaution and, since face masks don’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon, we thought it would be best to embrace the change and find new ways to look stylish and show off that swagger even from behind a mask. Adding other accessories like gold chains or trying a new hairstyle is one way to distract from the mask while also making it a purposeful part of your outfit.

Focus on Hair Styles

If you’ve been wearing a mask lately (as you should be!), you’ve probably noticed some of the many frustrations that come along with wearing it—moisture on the mask, breath fogging up glasses, potential breakouts on your face, and strands of hair getting caught in the straps. Unfortunately, these are small inconveniences that we need to put up with right now, but there are some steps you can take to make your mask wearing a bit more comfortable.

For women, you can try a variety of up-do styles that will keep your hair from getting caught in the straps around your ears. Try the 2013 Miley Cyrus space buns look or use a headband to keep your hair away from your face. If you’re feeling really bold, get yourself a ‘Rona haircut and go for a short length. It’ll help your hair from getting caught in your mask, and it’s a super cute look for summer.

Consider the Earrings You Wear

Earrings can be another source of frustration for people wearing masks, right now, as big hoop earrings and long dangly designs easily get caught in the mask straps. For now, it’s probably best to skip any earrings that interfere with the mask straps, as they may cause your ears to become irritated and cause you constantly touch and readjust your mask, which defeats the purpose of the accessory.

Instead, women and men can stick with flashy diamond earrings that look great with up-dos and short hair. You don’t have to sacrifice your style for the sake of public health; you just need to be a bit more critical about which accessories like Rolex watches, bracelets, rings, and small earrings will bring out your personality without messing with your mask.

Add Other Fashion Accessories

Another great way to dress up your outfit, even with your face mask on, is by focusing on your other accessories. Gold chains for men and women can spice up your outfit without interfering with your mask at all. Try to integrate a statement piece—a piece of jewelry that is larger and eye-catching—to distract from your mask, or rock accessories that match with the theme of your mask. You can be as playful as you want with your other accessories—we just recommend avoiding the large earrings to prevent you from getting hurt.

Match Your Outfits with Your Masks

Or, at least, don’t let the colors and patterns clash. If you want to really master the art of looking fly while practicing proper public health precautions, you can go all-out on your matching masks and outfits. Find fabrics that match clothing with patterns that you already own (or shop for new outfits and masks from the same store) to pull your outfit together and make the mask a trendy part of your wardrobe.

You should also consider colors—if you’re wearing an all-black outfit and you want a pop of color, get yourself a mask in bright blue or pink or whatever color you love. Try to be purposeful about mixing and matching your masks and outfits. You don’t want to show up at the grocery store wearing a patterned mask and shirt that just don’t go together at all. It’s also important to invest in a collection of high-quality masks so that you have options and you have enough sanitary masks to wear on a regular basis.

Doll Up Your Eye Makeup

Ladies, one good thing about wearing face masks is that your makeup routine time gets cut in half. Really, the only thing you need to focus on is your eyes. If you want to make a big statement, you can go all-out with glitter eyeshadow and big fake lashes. But, guess what? If you don’t care about doing your makeup that day, step out with your face looking au naturale. Most of your face will be covered by the mask anyway, and more women than ever are hopping on the #nomakeup train since being locked inside for a few months. If you are going to wear makeup (or even if you’re not, but you’re wearing a mask), be diligent about your skincare routine, as masks have been known to increase your chances of a breakout.

Look for Stylish Cloth Masks or Make Your Own

At the beginning of all this, everyone was buying whatever face masks that were available—especially since there was a significant shortage for a few weeks. But now, as more local people are learning to sew masks and big businesses are cashing in on the trend, the mask options are limitless.

You can leave a simple medical mask in your car as a backup but, for your everyday masks that you want to dress up with your outfit, seek out cool patterns and fun fabrics that feel good on your face. If you’re looking for a new hobby, try investing in a sewing machine and making your own custom designs.

Embrace Your Mask

The world as we know it may be changing, but that’s okay. We’re all going through the same things together, and it’s important that we try to keep each other safe by doing our part and following public health protocols—like wearing a mask. But, make it fashionable. Get creative. Wear your favorite gold chains with your stylish new mask and pay close attention to how you’re pairing colors and patterns. Consider your hairstyle, and other accessories like earrings, to avoid discomfort. Then get out there and show everyone how fabulous you and your mask can be.