
6 Ways to Destress Your Body and Relax Your Mind

If you’re struggling to find time to relax and feel refreshed in an occasionally stressful routine, you’re not alone. Life has been chaotic to say the least. And yet it’s still possible to create some relaxing Zen with a shift in mindset and these calming tips to bring on the self-care.

Stress Relief—Find Your Happy Place

Sometimes the best supplement for occasional stress relief is one that provides high-quality ingredients you never knew you needed—like a supplement that’s actually named Stress Relief. Occasional stress relief is a topic that’s been extensively researched, with ingredients that have withstood the test of time—even millenniums. This supplement contains herbal ingredients like ashwagandha, saffron, and lemon balm that are renowned for their use in many traditional remedies and highly regarded for their scientifically supported emotional and mental effects.*

Take time to find the supplement that works best for you. You may be surprised by how much calmer you feel the next time you’re overwhelmed with life. 

Maximizing Movement

Movement is a great way to relax. Even a simple walk around the block or through a park can help calm you, energize your body, and relax your mind. Dance—moving to the rhythm of your favourite tune and just letting go—is another fabulous physical and emotional outlet. Grooving to a high-energy jam or expressing all your feels belting out a lyrical song can do wonders to relieve mild stress.

An active body is a happy body, but it can also be a stressed out body. Find movement you enjoy and that feels good for your joints and muscles. High impact workouts and sports are known for mental toughness often tied to emotional health. But they can also cause overuse injuries that are stressful for the everyday athlete. Strive for a balance between high impact and low impact movement to help keep you from becoming too physically stressed out. 

Stretch Out the Stress

Your body carries you through your life—every stressful or relaxed moment of it. We all carry mild stress differently. Whether you’re on your feet all day, have your neck and shoulders hunched over a keyboard, or hold pent up emotions in your back, stretching helps to release stress from head to toe. Elongating your muscles helps to relax and repair body tissues, release tension, improve flexibility, and increase mobility. And it reconnects you with your body. When you’re feeling stressed, take a breather and stretch it out to help quiet you both mentally and physically.

Try these stress-relieving stretches:

  • Head and neck stretches, either with or without pushing with your hands.
  • Cat and cow to stretch your back and torso.
  • Arm stretches above your head, across your chest, or fingers laced and behind your back.
  • Laying flat back on the ground in starfish or Savasana.
  • Flat back on the ground and hugging your knees into your chest.
  • Calf stretches, metatarsal stretches, and wrist/forearm stretches.

Stretching away the stress can help ease stiff muscles and relax your mind all at the same time.

Oils and Aroma Therapy

Your sense of smell can trigger emotions, memories, and even help you relieve stress. When life gets hectic, creating a relaxing aroma therapy environment may do the trick. Whether you enjoy lighting incense, the scent of your favorite candle, or simply diffusing essential oil, changing the fragrance around you can help create inward focus towards relaxation.

Everyone has that special, unique scent that immediately puts them at ease. Some of the most common relaxing aromas are:

  • Peppermint
  • Cinnamon
  • Lavender
  • Ylang-Ylang
  • Lemon
  • Patchouli
  • Jasmine
  • Bergamot
  • Rosemary

Whether you’re trying to wind down after a stressful day or you’re worried about what tomorrow may bring, try easing your mind by creating a more relaxed space, filling the room with a calming, soothing scent.

Stop Stressin’, Start Sleepin’

Occasional stress can have you feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. Your mind might keep you up all night rehashing the day or worrying about tomorrow. Try practicing a night time routine that helps you relax before bed so you can spend the night getting good quality rest and sleeping away your stress. This might look like journaling, reading, meditating, stretching, writing a to-do list for tomorrow before your head hits the pillow. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is paramount to support your circadian rhythm and limit the affect stress has on your body. Aim for 7–8 hours of sleep a night.

Talk It Out

It’s important to have close family members or friends you can speak openly with and trust during times of difficulty or stress. Confide in your inner circle, ask for their advice, and let them know how they can help you. Speaking with someone else is a good way to see a different perspective to help you figure out new ways to cope. Often, stress can make you irritated, sad, or isolated, but it’s something we all struggle with. Talking about what’s stressing you out helps you release it from your mind.

Destressing is personal for everyone. Taking the time to discover ways to relax your mind and body isn’t just vital to your mental health, it touches every aspect of your life. Strive for days filled with less stress and your body will thank you.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.