Do you consider yourself an orderly person? If the answer is yes, you may change your mind when you read this. Someone with an order in their DNA would never have any of this at home. Take an example!
An orderly person would never, ever dedicate a room in his house to “junk”. Never! Precisely because they do not save to save. All they have is because they actually use it. There is no worthwhile junk.
Socks that don’t come out of the washing machine go into which dark black hole? Without a doubt, it is a mystery that not even Iker Jiménez can clarify. What is clear is that an orderly person never keeps that single sock for weeks. Recycle it, period.
Someone who maintains order by flag checks his medicine cabinet at least once every two months. Nothing to keep medicines that you no longer use or expired in your pharmacy on call. Just what you take and the basics for first aid.
Surplus toilet paper because it was on sale, you keep it as if the end of the world was coming… no! Buy fresh products, just enough for three days (maximum one week), and you see replenishing. Nowadays, even the greengrocer brings your supplies home via Whatsapp. There is no excuse.
Electronic devices that no longer work, toys that do not work, puzzles that have missing pieces … Broken things go to the trash, to the recycling bin, and do not occupy a sacred place in the kitchen or children’s room. Make its space occupy something that really goes or simply leave it empty, that breathes the space.
Or what is the same: small objects without any functionality. Because one thing is a vase with fresh or preserved flowers, a book, and a candle, and it is quite another to fill the surfaces to be filled. In the house of an orderly person, there is no place for the superfluous, only for what makes him really happy and leave it as beautiful as the one in the photo.