
5 Tips And Tricks For Common Home Repairs

As a homeowner, one of your responsibilities is to be mindful in scheduling home repairs and maintenance. There are unfortunate times when some of your home furniture, hardware, and utilities aren’t working properly, and making occasional repairs is inevitable. While spending a few hours trying to do repairs on your own is quite exhausting, having the knowledge on fixing would cut down your maintenance expenses.

Close-up of smiling plumber fixing a faucet with blue pipes on the countertopClose-up of smiling plumber fixing a faucet with blue pipes on the countertop
Close-up of smiling plumber fixing a faucet with blue pipes on the countertop

5 Tips And Tricks For Common Home Repairs - leaky faucet, home rapir, dishwasher, clogged toilet, bathroom5 Tips And Tricks For Common Home Repairs - leaky faucet, home rapir, dishwasher, clogged toilet, bathroom

Common Home Problems And Solutions

None of you would want to wait forever just so your request would go with your constructor’s schedule. So, roll up your sleeves and take note of these tips and tricks for common house repairs that’ll surely help you throughout your lifetime:

1. Repairing A Leaky Faucet

One of the most common issues encountered when it comes to house malfunctions is the leaky faucet. While it might look like a small problem, it adds up and greatly contributes to your water bill. If you’re looking for a temporary solution to stop the annoying sound of the leak, wrap a cloth around the faucet and tie it using a tight rubber band. If you wish to end it permanently, follow these procedures:

  • Loosen the screw and remove the handle and the cap.
  • Remove the cam, washer, and ball.
  • Check if the holes in the ball line up with the faucet body.
  • Use a screwdriver to remove the springs inside.
  • Slide off the spout and replace the O-ring with a new one.
  • Add a plumber’s grease and replace the spout.
  • Put new springs and resemble its parts to their original form.

2. Fixing A Clogged Toilet

Aside from dripping faucets, the toilet is one of the things you wish wouldn’t malfunction in your house since a clogged toilet requires a sense of urgency and should be treated as soon as possible. To repair such, you need to:

  • Use a plunger to clear the toilet. (Tip: Flanged plungers would be the best since it produces a lot of pressure).
  • Add water to the bowl before plunging for easier unclogging.
  • Use compressed air or carbon dioxide cartridge delivery tools to provide a stronger pressure. Even though it’s quite pricey, it’s less costly than going to a constructor.
  • Mix two cups of vinegar to one cup of baking soda, then pour the solution into the toilet. Leave it for 30 minutes, add hot water, then it shall be unclogged.

3. Door Problems

For some woodworks such as fixing door issues, you may need to avail of drilling services, especially if you don’t have the right equipment to do the repair. One of the issues encountered at home is squeaky doors. Surprisingly, a lot of creative ways can help in silencing a squeaky door. These alternatives are those commonly found inside your home:

  • Coat the hinge pin of your door with mayo, then pull and push back to evenly distribute the lubricant. Problem fixed!
  • Petroleum Wax. Everybody should know that petroleum wax is a great lubricant. What you just need to do is heat it and cover the door’s hinge pin with the melted wax, open and close the door until it is evenly distributed, then voila!
  • Steel Wool. Maybe the squeak you hear on your door is a manifestation of dirty hinge pins. In this case, remove the pins and scrub away dirt using a steel wool pad. When cleaned properly, coat the pins with a lubricant (mayo or petroleum wax), then return it to its place. Squeaky door no more.

4. Preventing The Mold Formation In The Bathroom

Molds in the bathroom occasionally appear because bathrooms are one of the places people stay the least. Although it’s inevitable, worry less since below are effective tips to help get rid of them:

  • Scrub the molds away using a mixture of baking soda and water. Leave on for as long as you need, depending on how dirty it is.
  • Use a brush and scrub it back and forth. Make sure to focus on the contaminated parts.
  • Use a mold-prohibiting spray. Repetitively scrubbing your bathroom is tiring, and this spray would help you maintain its cleanliness. This is a mixture of white vinegar, tea tree oil, and water to protect your bathroom from being a breeding ground of molds when mixed and sprayed.

5. Fixing A Smelly Dishwasher

Dishwashers are where you clean your utensils, and it’d be gross if dishwashers themselves are dirty and smelly. Here are some considerations:

  • Clean the dishwasher spray arm using baking soda and vinegar.
  • If there’s debris in the dishwasher, spray it with the baking soda mixture and leave it on for 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly afterward. Do the same with the bottom edge of the dishwasher.
  • Add a special cleaner. There are various disinfectants specifically designed for dishwashers, and you can use them to maintain cleanliness. Remember not to use bleach since it’s corrosive to metal and might worsen the situation.

Final Thoughts

You may think these repairs must be done by professionals only, but it’s interesting if you can fix it. These inconveniences you encounter at home would eventually turn into a bigger problem in the long run if left unaddressed.