While the most natural of us only need about ten minutes to prepare, others spend thirty minutes in front of the mirror. Here begins a beauty marathon: foundation, powder, blush, mascara, eyeliner, the list goes on for some. And we all have our preferences and habits when it comes to applying makeup. However, some habits are not good to keep…
These makeup mistakes you shouldn’t make
Make-up is supposed to awaken our face, even out the complexion, and make imperfections disappear. But if we do not use the right gestures, the right products, or the right colors, we end up with the opposite of the desired result. We look tired with a dull complexion and barely awake eyes. So to never look like you got out of bed again, here are the five most common makeup mistakes to avoid. And we are nice, we even give you the solutions to stop committing them .
Mistake # 1 – Forgetting to hydrate
The most important basis for having good makeup is having healthy skin. It is therefore a faux pas to forget to apply a daily moisturizer before the foundation. The latter is all the more important if you have dry skin because some foundation dries it out even more.
Mistake # 2 – Not having the right shade of foundation
The foundation is the starting point for all your beauty looks. It hides small imperfections, unifies and corrects the complexion. But on the only condition that you wear the right shade … The wrong shade can bring you many imperfections: too orange or too pink complexion, demarcation, aging, more tired and dull face…
Mistake # 3 – Putting too much powder
The powder is effective when applied sparingly. It makes the skin less shiny, less oily, and less unsightly. But put in too much and you can say goodbye to your skin’s natural glow. This matte finish provided by too much powder will make you look tired. And it’s also good to avoid the cloud of dust when you sneeze right?
Mistake # 4 – Using too much blush
After the powder, the blush. We must forget the very colorful cheeks of the 1980s. Even if some grandmothers continue to accentuate their cheeks, thinking that it is flattering, we are forgetting.
Mistake # 5 – Using Colors That Do Not Match Skin Tone
Like foundation, eye shadow should be chosen with care. Using the wrong eye shadow color can quickly make your complexion feel sick and tired.