Home Decor

5 Home Office Decorating Tips

The space for a home office is increasingly desired in homes: whether to study or work from home makes all the difference in having an environment (or part of it) prepared for it.

In times of pandemic, remote work, or often called the home office, has become the safest alternative for anyone, becoming a reality in many people’s lives. And believe me: this change is here to stay!

So, if you are looking to invest in your home office while both you and your spouse are working from home, making this space more practical, comfortable, and organized, see here these unmissable tips to decorate your home office.

1. Prioritize privacy and comfort

Before going out to choose the place in the house where the home office will be, think about these questions: Who will use this space? How many people are going to work at the same time? What does he need to have to meet his needs?

The home office needs to be a calm, reserved, and comfortable environment, regardless of whether you will use it to study, work or create.

2. Choose the ideal table

The work table can be of several types: desk, easel top, planned furniture. The choice will depend a lot on your style, as well as your needs. Always prefer to position the table next to the window, to have good lighting in the work plane. It also depends on how many people will share this desk, if you are newly married couple and have to work from home at the same time, you will find it necessary to consider couple-working-desk for your home office consider the space constraint that you have.

As for the size of the table, it is important to define the space you need: will you use a notebook or monitor? Do you use other materials, such as sheets of paper, books, or folders? There is no point in buying the table, just thinking about fitting in the space if it becomes small and uncomfortable for you afterward.

If you use a monitor, make sure you have space on the table to place the mouse and keyboard on the same level, and that the screen is at least an arm’s distance from your eyes.

See also the height of the table, so that your view is at the height of the top of the screen or higher. If you choose to have a TV in the home office, it is important to think about the table’s position and size, so that the TV is at a comfortable distance (this will also depend on the size of the screen you choose).

3. Invest in a comfortable chair

The posture while working is important because it will prevent you from suffering long-term injuries. So it is worth investing in an ergonomic chair, with adjustment options and a lot of comforts.

Especially if you spend a lot of time in front of the computer, it is important that it has a soft backrest, armrests, comfortable seat, casters to facilitate movement and height adjustment.

But if you hate these “office chairs” and want to have a design chair in your home office, different and full of personality, choose one that is as comfortable as possible. Prefer the upholstered backrest and seat, and do not buy before testing the height: sit on the chair and see if, with your back resting on the backrest, you can support your entire feet on the floor.

4. Ensure good lighting

A well-lit environment is essential to promote comfort and productivity in your work, help concentration, and improve vision. Therefore, prefer spaces with windows and good natural lighting, with the table next to the light entrance.

Home office in green tones, with space for other furniture and positive interference in natural lighting.

But beware of excess light, especially if you use a computer: glare impairs the view of the screen, and direct light can damage the machine. Therefore, invest in curtains to control the brightness and ensure your comfort.

As for artificial light, prefer white light in the room, which increases attention. If your home office environment is poorly lit, invest in desk lamps, which ensure good lighting focused on the work plan.

5. Use organizing utensils

An organized space is essential to increase productivity at work, concentration on studies, and even creativity. There are many ways to organize your home office, with practicality and beauty.

Shelves and hanging niches are ideal for small spaces and for those looking to save money. If you like to keep your books close at hand and enjoy mixing decorative pieces in your workspace, this is a good option to make your home office more practical and beautiful.

Now, if you have a lot of material to store and want to hide the mess, you can opt for a closet. Depending on the space you need, it can be tall, bench-top, or suspended on the wall. Do you find the office cupboard models too dull? Try renovating old furniture, or buy a stylish buffet to organize and decorate the home office.