22 Perfect DIY Gifts For Your Moms

Does Mom seem a little cranky these days? Make her feel awesome with these indulgent and relaxing treats.







Lemon Body Scrub

Get the recipe here.

diy gifts stylemotivation (7)diy gifts stylemotivation (7)

Eye Pillow

Find the full tutorial here.

diy gifts stylemotivation (19)diy gifts stylemotivation (19)

Lip Balm

Learn how to make it here.

Body Lotion

Check out this blog post.

Bath Tea

Follow this helpful recipe.

Wheatgrass Soap

Fancify regular old soap bars with wheatgrass- by Martha

Brunch Basket

Make mom a brunch basket she can enjoy at her leisure- fill it with honey butter and banana bread like this blogger.

Tea Bags

Find the sew and no-sew versions here.

Lotion Bars

For something a little different- and super moisturizing- cook up a bar of lotion from cocoa butter, beeswax, and coconut oil, like this blogger did.

Citrus Facial Refresher

Get the full recipe here.


Check out this blog post for more details.

Bubble Bath

Get the details here.

Herbal Foot Soak

Check out this full recipe.


Use plums, peaches, nectarines, or whatever fruit you like, using this post as a guide.

Decorate That Jam Jar

Done by this blogger.

Teacup Candle

Find the full tutorial here.

Cookie Mix In a Jar

Super helpful tutorial.

Natural Log Vase

Get full instructions here.

Moth Balls

Shown here.


Find the details here.

Reed Diffuser

Find the recipe here.