22 Great Space Saving Ideas and Tips for Small Kids Bedrooms

Decorating a kid’s room can always be a challenge. Kids grow up so fast that it is impossible to know what they will like or need next year or even next month. Childs bedroom furniture should be fun, functional and most of all durable. Kids love to play and have fun, so their bedroom furniture needs to reflect their personalities. There are several different approaches in creating an ingenious space saving bed for a home of modest proportions. The most straight-forward designs involve clever positioning of the bed, creating a slumber spot in a space that you would not normally consider using for this purpose. A room with decent ceiling height is important for many interior designs or it may feel cramped, but the gallery below may even inspire your own designs, where use of vertical space can really help open up a room.

Innovative children’s bed designs often involve utilizing unconventional spaces for slumber, making the most of room layouts. Adequate ceiling height is crucial for these creative interior arrangements, as it prevents the room from feeling cramped. The gallery below showcases various designs that ingeniously use vertical space to create unique and open room layouts, offering inspiration for your own children’s bedroom designs.

Source: allenpattersonresidential.com
Source: www.johncolearchitect.com
Source: www.radiuswood.com
Source: savannahsurfaces.com
Source: www.sashalanka.com
Source: www.vbarchitect.com
Source: www.dyergrimesarchitects.com
Source: www.kemperarch.com
Source: www.hamiltonsnowber.com
Source: www.southernstudio.com
Source: adlsf.com
Source: adlsf.com
Source: www.laurakehoedesign.com
Source: jpda.net
Source: www.kiadesigns.co.uk
Source: kattgor.houzz.com
Source: mdarch.net
Source: webuser_592829.houzz.com
Source: www.creativewoodwork.co.uk
Source: www.bipede.ca
Source: www.susannacots.com
Source: www.gapluspartners.com