20 Delicious St. Patrick’s Day Dessert Recipes

Make some delicious desserts for St. Patrick’s Day with the help of the following dessert ideas and recipes. These desserts are sweet and tasty and they all are in St. Patrick’s Day spirit. They look adorable and your family and friends will love them for sure.

Shamrock Macarons with Baileys Chocolate Ganache

20 Delicious St. Patrick’s Day Dessert Recipes (1)20 Delicious St. Patrick’s Day Dessert Recipes (1)
Recipe: www.raspberricupcakes.com

Green Velvet cupcakes

20 Delicious St. Patrick’s Day Dessert Recipes (1)20 Delicious St. Patrick’s Day Dessert Recipes (1)
Recipe: www.lovefromtheoven.com

Shamrock shakes

Recipe: www.smells-like-home.com

Mint chocolate chip pancakes

Recipe: www.theidearoom.net

Green Frosted Chocolate Fudge Brownies

Recipe: www.celebrations.com

Ombren green rice crispy treats

Source: www.lovefromtheoven.com

Saint Patrick’s day cupcakes {beer mugs}

Source: iambaker.net

Leprechaun hat smores

Recipe: blog.hwtm.com

St Patricks day green and white bundt cake

Recipe: www.lovefromtheoven.com

St. Patty’s Day Mint Oreos

Recipe: whiskandaprayer.blogspot.com

St Patricks day cupcakes rainbows pots of gold

Recipe: grinandbakeit.com

At the last minute St Patricks day marshmallows

Recipe: thedecoratedcookie.com

St. Patrick’s Day Cake

Recipe: www.twigandthistle.com

St. Patrick’s Day Rainbow Slice and Bake Cookie

Recipe: www.goodlifeeats.com

No-Bake Thin Mint Cookie Truffles

Recipe: www.sixsistersstuff.com

St Patricks day cupcakes

Recipe: www.thoughtfullysimple.com

Clover rice krispie treats

Recipe: www.iheartnaptime.net

White Chocolate Dipped Pretzels

Recipe: www.celebrations.com

Green pancakes

Recipe: www.thoughtfullysimple.com

Cream puffs

Recipe: www.mrsfields.com