DIY & Crafts

15 Easy Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids

Before your kids arrived on the scene, Elmer’s glue and construction paper probably didn’t factor into your big Valentine’s Day plans. But now that you’re a parent, what better way to celebrate the occasion with your littlest love bugs than with some fun Valentine’s Day crafts? Here are some great ideas for fun and easy Valentine crafts for kids. Grade-schoolers love making and sharing Valentines creations with friends and family. And what better way for kids to say “I love you” than with Valentine crafts that they lovingly created with their own hands?

1. Valentine’s Friendship Necklaces

15 Easy Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids - Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids, DIY Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids15 Easy Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids - Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids, DIY Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids

Found at Make And Takes

2. Rainbow Heart Suncatchers

15 Easy Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids - Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids, DIY Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids15 Easy Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids - Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids, DIY Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids

Found at Fireflies + Mud Pies

3. Valentine’s Day Hear Craft for Kids

Found at The Resourceful Mama

4. Valentine’s Day Pom Pom Monsters

Found at Practically Functional

5. Valentine’s Day Love Bug Fruit Cups

Found at Princess Pinky Girl

6. DIY Rainbow Paper Heart Pom Pom Wreath

Found at Hello, Wonderful

7. Paper Plate Heart Sewing Craft

Found at Red Ted Art

8. Bee Mine Valentine

Found at From ABCs to ACTs

9. Candy Huggers

Found at Lia Griffith

10. Valentine’s Day Heart Fingerprint Tree Craft

Found at Easy Peasy And Fun

11. Heart Lady Bug Valentines Craft

Found at Housing A Forest

12. Thumbprint Heart Glass Magnets

Found at Rhythms Of Play

13. Free Printable Valentine Joke Teller

Found at Bren Did

14. Silly Heart Puppet Valentine Craft

Found at Creative Family Fun

15. Toddler Valentines Heart Bouquet

Found at Arty Crafty Kids