DIY & Crafts

15 Easy Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids (Part 2)

Valentine’s Day is a fun time to create together. Join in the fun with your toddler as you make these adorable Valentine’s Day Crafts for toddlers and older kids. Crafts. Teach your children that love is all around with a whimsical party of sweet valentine projects and charming eats and treats. Nothing says love like a handmade gift on Valentine’s Day! Get inspiration and instruction for dozens of adorable Valentine’s Day crafts for kids of all ages.

Love Bug Craft Stick Valentine’s Day Craft

 Silly Heart Puppet Valentine’s Day Craft 

Heart Strawberry Craft 

Cute Dog Valentine’s Day Craft For Kids

Yarn Wrapped Hearts 

 Valentine’s Day Heart Fingerprint Tree 

 Paper Plate Valentine’s Day Heart Wreath

 Pipe Cleaner Hearts Printmaking Craft 

Paint Swatch Heart Air Balloon Craft 

Tulip In A Heart Craft 

 Beaded Name Valentine Hearts 

Handprint Valentine

Bee Mine Valentine Day Craft 

Valentine’s Day Dinosaur Craft