Food & Drinks

15 Easy Non Alcoholic Summer Drinks

Cool off with these fruity,alcohol-free cocktails. … Click through to see the refreshing combinations that will get you through the season for just pennies a glass. From holiday sippers to summer punches, find recipes for non-alcoholic party drinks that are sure to be crowd pleasers. You can’t host a party without drinks—these mocktails, punches, lemonades, and other non alcoholic party drink recipes have got you covered. Break out your punch bowl, and mix up one of these festive drinks. These big-batch beverages—alcoholic and nonalcoholic—will keep you and your guests in good mood.

Orange Swizzle from Something Swanky

Orange Swizzle | 25+ Non-Alcoholic Punch RecipesOrange Swizzle | 25+ Non-Alcoholic Punch Recipes

Strawberry Punch from Fa’s Kitchen

Strawberry Punch | 25+ Non-Alcoholic Punch RecipesStrawberry Punch | 25+ Non-Alcoholic Punch Recipes

Pineapple Peach Agua Fresca from How Sweet Eats

Minty Non-Alcoholic Mojito from Skinny Ms.

Non- Alcoholic Sangria from Maya Kitchenette

Mad Hatter Party Punch from Mommy Musings


Fizzy Summer Pineapple Punch from The Chunky Chef

Mock Champagne from Oh So Delicioso

Sparkling Blue Mocktail from What’s Cooking Love





Lemon Lime Sherbet Punch from The Casual Craftlete

Raspberry Crush Punch from Liz on Call


Blue Pina Colada Party Punch from Wishes and Dishes



Tropical Punch Good Girl Moonshine from  Jenn’s RAQ


Watermelon Punch from Hip 2 Save