
The Best DIY Halloween Costumes for Little Boys

The opportunity to spend an evening going door-to-door with friends, neighbors and family to get free candy and eat too many Halloween treats is one of the greatest annual childhood joys. But before they can get all that delicious candy, they need to settle on the perfect costume. We’ve assembled a stellar set of Halloween costume ideas for kids, from baby Halloween costumes to those for a toddler and even the best tween costumes. This Halloween make an original costume your kids will love to wear and you’ll be proud to show off.

1. Blue Chicken

The Best DIY Halloween Costumes for Little Boys - Last-Minute DIY Halloween Costumes, Halloween Costumes for Babies, Halloween costumes, DIY Halloween Costumes for Little Boys, diy Halloween costumesThe Best DIY Halloween Costumes for Little Boys - Last-Minute DIY Halloween Costumes, Halloween Costumes for Babies, Halloween costumes, DIY Halloween Costumes for Little Boys, diy Halloween costumes

Fun At Home With Kids

2. Buzz Lightyear

The Best DIY Halloween Costumes for Little Boys - Last-Minute DIY Halloween Costumes, Halloween Costumes for Babies, Halloween costumes, DIY Halloween Costumes for Little Boys, diy Halloween costumesThe Best DIY Halloween Costumes for Little Boys - Last-Minute DIY Halloween Costumes, Halloween Costumes for Babies, Halloween costumes, DIY Halloween Costumes for Little Boys, diy Halloween costumes

Fun At Home With Kids

3. Owls

This Heart Of Mine

4. Thomas the Engine

 Am I A Funny Girl

5. Scuba Diver

Oh Happy Day

6. Toy Story Army Man

Wild Ink

7. Rocket Man

Real Simple

8. Sock Monkey

Grosgrain Fabulous

9. Cowboy

Made For Mums

10. Mummy

Kelly Gorney