DIY & Crafts

15 Cool Sharpie Crafts and DIY Project Ideas (Part 1)

Do you love cool and easy projects that cost almost no money but make you say “Wow!” Do you have Sharpie or permanent marker pens? It may surprise you, but these pens can create many crafts. These step by step tutorials are all easy, cool, cheap, creative and super unique, all perfect for beginners and teens looking for their next arts and crafts project or room decor idea.

1. Sharpie Dinnerware

via thesweetestoccasion

2. Easy Sharpie Mug

via brendid


3. DIY Sharpie Wallpaper

via vintagerevivals

4. Monogram Art

via thebeautydojo

5. Sharpie Designed Lampshade

via bhg

6. Nate Berkus Inspired Mirror

via amykrist

7. Hand-drawn Gift Wrap

via minieco

8. Sharpie Mug

via ohhellofriendblog

9. Ping Pong Lights

via hearthandmade

10. Painted Leather Wallet

via lovemaegan

11. Throw Pillows

via brit

12. Sharpie Art Coffee Table

via findinghomefarms

13. Watercolor Sharpie Planter

via brepurposed


14. Patterned Photo Maps

via makeandtell

15. Cress Cups With A Face

via bywilma